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Can I still fly if I am beyond the 28th week of my pregnancy?

If you are pregnant with a single baby, you can still travel from the start of your 28th week until the end of your 35th week as long as you provide a report fr

Can I still fly if I am beyond the 28th week of my pregnancy?

Can I still fly if I am beyond the 28th week of my pregnancy?If you are pregnant with a single baby, you can still travel from the start of your 28th week until

Can I use an Electronic Denied Compensation Credit for an upgrade or complimentary air with Delta Vacations?

Can I use an Electronic Denied Compensation Credit for an upgrade or complimentary air with Delta Vacations?Yes, you can. Simply call the Delta Vacations Custom

What is a Known Traveler number?

What is a Known Traveler number?This number is used for flights to the US and shows that the pre-flight checks and safety scans required for the trip have been

What are the maximum dimensions and weight restrictions for my cabin baggage?

What are the maximum dimensions and weight restrictions for my cabin baggage?In Economy Class you can bring a single carry-on that must have dimensions of no mo

What will happen if I request an upgrade with Qcredits but there is an unexpected tax difference and I do not wish to pay this?

What will happen if I request an upgrade with Qcredits but there is an unexpected tax difference and I do not wish to pay this? As my Qcredits are already block

Can I request a date change for my ticket on the same day?

Can I request a date change for my ticket on the same day?No, same day date changes are not allowed.

What are the required documents for Infant/child/Unaccompanied Minor bookings?

What are the required documents for Infant/child/Unaccompanied Minor bookings?To book an award ticket for unaccompanied infant or child, you need to provide the

Do I still need to pay any fees other than taxes?

Do I still need to pay any fees other than taxes?Yes, change fees and cancellation fee will still be applicable. However, service fees and rush fees will no lon

What are the timelines for making requests for any award transaction?

What are the timelines for making requests for any award transaction?For award tickets on Qatar Airways – More than 48 hours prior to departure.For Excess bagga

How will my baggage allowance be calculated for journey with a mix of Qatar Airways and a one world airline ticket?

How will my baggage allowance be calculated for journey with a mix of Qatar Airways and a one world airline ticket?Baggage on ticket will be as per first flight